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  1. kubectl api-resources | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Print the supported API resources on the server. kubectl api-resources [flags] Examples # Print the supported API resources kubectl api-resources # Print the supported API resources with more information kubectl api-resources -o wide # Print the supported API resources sorted by a column kubectl api-resources --sort-by=name # Print the supported namespaced resources kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true # Print the supported non-namespaced resources kubectl api-resources --namespaced=false # Print the supported API resources with a specific APIGroup kubectl api-resources --api-group=rbac.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:04:14 UTC 2024
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  2. kubectl | Kubernetes

    Synopsis kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager. Find more information at: kubectl [flags] Options --as string Username to impersonate for the operation. User could be a regular user or a service account in a namespace. --as-group strings Group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups. --as-uid string UID to impersonate for the operation. --cache-dir string     Default: "$HOME/.kube/cache" Default cache directory --certificate-authority string Path to a cert file for the certificate authority
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:04:49 UTC 2024
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  3. Client Authentication (v1beta1) | Kubernetes

    Resource Types ExecCredential ExecCredential ExecCredential is used by exec-based plugins to communicate credentials to HTTP transports. FieldDescription kindstringExecCredential spec [Required] ExecCredentialSpec Spec holds information passed to the plugin by the transport. status ExecCredentialStatus Status is filled in by the plugin and holds the credentials that the transport should use to contact the API. Cluster Appears in: ExecCredentialSpec Cluster contains information to allow an exec plugin to communicate with the kubernetes cluster being authenticated to.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:16:31 UTC 2024
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  4. kube-apiserver Configuration (v1alpha1) | Kuber...

    Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API. Resource Types AdmissionConfiguration AuthenticationConfiguration AuthorizationConfiguration EgressSelectorConfiguration TracingConfiguration TracingConfiguration Appears in: KubeletConfiguration TracingConfiguration TracingConfiguration provides versioned configuration for OpenTelemetry tracing clients. FieldDescription endpoint string Endpoint of the collector this component will report traces to. The connection is insecure, and does not currently support TLS. Recommended is unset, and endpoint is the otlp grpc default, localhost:4317. samplingRatePerMillion int32 SamplingRatePerMillion is the number of samples to collect per million spans.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:17:28 UTC 2024
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  5. Pod Quality of Service Classes | Kubernetes

    This page introduces Quality of Service (QoS) classes in Kubernetes, and explains how Kubernetes assigns a QoS class to each Pod as a consequence of the resource constraints that you specify for the containers in that Pod. Kubernetes relies on this classification to make decisions about which Pods to evict when there are not enough available resources on a Node. Quality of Service classes Kubernetes classifies the Pods that you run and allocates each Pod into a specific quality of service (QoS) class.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:22:28 UTC 2024
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  6. Pod Lifecycle | Kubernetes

    This page describes the lifecycle of a Pod. Pods follow a defined lifecycle, starting in the Pending phase, moving through Running if at least one of its primary containers starts OK, and then through either the Succeeded or Failed phases depending on whether any container in the Pod terminated in failure. Whilst a Pod is running, the kubelet is able to restart containers to handle some kind of faults. Within a Pod, Kubernetes tracks different container states and determines what action to take to make the Pod healthy again.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:22:20 UTC 2024
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  7. Ingress | Kubernetes

    Make your HTTP (or HTTPS) network service available using a protocol-aware configuration mechanism, that understands web concepts like URIs, hostnames, paths, and more. The Ingress concept lets you map traffic to different backends based on rules you define via the Kubernetes API.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:22:49 UTC 2024
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  8. DaemonSet | Kubernetes

    A DaemonSet defines Pods that provide node-local facilities. These might be fundamental to the operation of your cluster, such as a networking helper tool, or be part of an add-on.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:22:39 UTC 2024
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  9. Configure Service Accounts for Pods | Kubernetes

    Kubernetes offers two distinct ways for clients that run within your cluster, or that otherwise have a relationship to your cluster's control plane to authenticate to the API server. A service account provides an identity for processes that run in a Pod, and maps to a ServiceAccount object. When you authenticate to the API server, you identify yourself as a particular user. Kubernetes recognises the concept of a user, however, Kubernetes itself does not have a User API.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:43:49 UTC 2024
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  10. Imperative Management of Kubernetes Objects Usi...

    Kubernetes objects can be created, updated, and deleted by using the kubectl command-line tool along with an object configuration file written in YAML or JSON. This document explains how to define and manage objects using configuration files. Before you begin Install kubectl. You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. It is recommended to run this tutorial on a cluster with at least two nodes that are not acting as control plane hosts.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:45:18 UTC 2024
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