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  1. kubectl debug | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Debug cluster resources using interactive debugging containers. 'debug' provides automation for common debugging tasks for cluster objects identified by resource and name. Pods will be used by default if no resource is specified. The action taken by 'debug' varies depending on what resource is specified. Supported actions include: Workload: Create a copy of an existing pod with certain attributes changed, for example changing the image tag to a new version.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:08:40 UTC 2024
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  2. kubectl config rename-context | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Renames a context from the kubeconfig file. CONTEXT_NAME is the context name that you want to change. NEW_NAME is the new name you want to set. Note: If the context being renamed is the 'current-context', this field will also be updated. kubectl config rename-context CONTEXT_NAME NEW_NAME Examples # Rename the context 'old-name' to 'new-name' in your kubeconfig file kubectl config rename-context old-name new-name Options -h, --help help for rename-context
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:09:23 UTC 2024
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  3. Advanced contributing | Kubernetes

    This page assumes that you understand how to contribute to new content and review others' work, and are ready to learn about more ways to contribute. You need to use the Git command line client and other tools for some of these tasks. Propose improvements SIG Docs members can propose improvements. After you've been contributing to the Kubernetes documentation for a while, you may have ideas for improving the Style Guide , the Content Guide, the toolchain used to build the documentation, the website style, the processes for reviewing and merging pull requests, or other aspects of the documentation.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:20:42 UTC 2024
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  4. Kubernetes External Metrics (v1beta1) | Kubernetes

    Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the external metrics API. Resource Types ExternalMetricValue ExternalMetricValueList ExternalMetricValue Appears in: ExternalMetricValueList ExternalMetricValue is a metric value for external metric A single metric value is identified by metric name and a set of string labels. For one metric there can be multiple values with different sets of labels. FieldDescription kindstringExternalMetricValue metricName [Required] string the name of the metric metricLabels [Required] map[string]string a set of labels that identify a single time series for the metric
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:20:47 UTC 2024
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  5. Generating Reference Documentation for the Kube...

    This page shows how to update the Kubernetes API reference documentation. The Kubernetes API reference documentation is built from the Kubernetes OpenAPI spec using the kubernetes-sigs/reference-docs generation code. If you find bugs in the generated documentation, you need to fix them upstream. If you need only to regenerate the reference documentation from the OpenAPI spec, continue reading this page. Before you begin Requirements: You need a machine that is running Linux or macOS.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:19:47 UTC 2024
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  6. Kubernetes

    Requirements: You need a machine that is running Linux or macOS. You need to have these tools installed: Python v3.7.x+ Git Golang version 1.13+ Pip used to install PyYAML PyYAML v5.1.2 make gcc compiler/linker Docker (Required only for kubectl command reference) Your PATH environment variable must include the required build tools, such as the Go binary and python. You need to know how to create a pull request to a GitHub repository.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 08:20:36 UTC 2024
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  7. CSI Volume Cloning | Kubernetes

    This document describes the concept of cloning existing CSI Volumes in Kubernetes. Familiarity with Volumes is suggested. Introduction The CSI Volume Cloning feature adds support for specifying existing PVCs in the dataSource field to indicate a user would like to clone a Volume. A Clone is defined as a duplicate of an existing Kubernetes Volume that can be consumed as any standard Volume would be. The only difference is that upon provisioning, rather than creating a "new" empty Volume, the back end device creates an exact duplicate of the specified Volume.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:30:24 UTC 2024
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  8. Resource Bin Packing | Kubernetes

    In the scheduling-plugin NodeResourcesFit of kube-scheduler, there are two scoring strategies that support the bin packing of resources: MostAllocated and RequestedToCapacityRatio. Enabling bin packing using MostAllocated strategy The MostAllocated strategy scores the nodes based on the utilization of resources, favoring the ones with higher allocation. For each resource type, you can set a weight to modify its influence in the node score. To set the MostAllocated strategy for the NodeResourcesFit plugin, use a scheduler configuration similar to the following:
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:30:27 UTC 2024
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  9. Traces For Kubernetes System Components | Kuber...

    FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.27 [beta] System component traces record the latency of and relationships between operations in the cluster. Kubernetes components emit traces using the OpenTelemetry Protocol with the gRPC exporter and can be collected and routed to tracing backends using an OpenTelemetry Collector. Trace Collection Kubernetes components have built-in gRPC exporters for OTLP to export traces, either with an OpenTelemetry Collector, or without an OpenTelemetry Collector. For a complete guide to collecting traces and using the collector, see Getting Started with the OpenTelemetry Collector.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:30:32 UTC 2024
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  10. Dynamic Resource Allocation | Kubernetes

    FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.26 [alpha] Dynamic resource allocation is an API for requesting and sharing resources between pods and containers inside a pod. It is a generalization of the persistent volumes API for generic resources. Third-party resource drivers are responsible for tracking and allocating resources, with additional support provided by Kubernetes via structured parameters (introduced in Kubernetes 1.30). When a driver uses structured parameters, Kubernetes handles scheduling and resource allocation without having to communicate with the driver.
    Registered: Fri Apr 19 07:32:34 UTC 2024
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