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  1. datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3...

    Source code: Lib/ The datetime module supplies classes for manipulating dates and times. While date and time arithmetic is supported, the focus of the implementation is on efficient attr...
    Registered: 2024-12-06 03:50
    - Last Modified: 2024-12-06 00:18
    - 431.8K bytes
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  2. tracemalloc — Trace memory allocations — Python...

    Source code: Lib/ The tracemalloc module is a debug tool to trace memory blocks allocated by Python. It provides the following information: Traceback where an object was allocated, St...
    Registered: 2024-12-06 04:09
    - Last Modified: 2024-12-06 00:18
    - 140.3K bytes
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  3. unittest.mock — mock object library — Python 3....

    Source code: Lib/unittest/ unittest.mock is a library for testing in Python. It allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they hav...
    Registered: 2024-12-06 03:58
    - Last Modified: 2024-12-06 00:18
    - 414.5K bytes
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  4. OOP Modeling | Scala 3 — Book | Scala Documenta...

    This chapter provides an introduction to OOP domain modeling with Scala 3.
    Registered: 2024-12-06 03:59
    - Last Modified: 2024-11-26 09:08
    - 121K bytes
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  5. tkinter.ttk — Tk themed widgets — Python 3.13.1...

    Source code: Lib/tkinter/ The tkinter.ttk module provides access to the Tk themed widget set, introduced in Tk 8.5. It provides additional benefits including anti-aliased font rendering under...
    Registered: 2024-12-06 03:59
    - Last Modified: 2024-12-06 00:18
    - 169.6K bytes
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  6. Built-in Exceptions — Python 3.13.1 documentation

    In Python, all exceptions must be instances of a class that derives from BaseException. In a try statement with an except clause that mentions a particular class, that clause also handles any excep...
    Registered: 2024-12-06 03:59
    - Last Modified: 2024-12-06 00:18
    - 169K bytes
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  7. Object Protocol — Python 3.13.1 documentation

    Navigation index modules | next | previous | Python » 3.13.1 Documentation » Python/C API Reference Manual » Abstract...
    Registered: 2024-12-06 04:01
    - Last Modified: 2024-12-06 00:18
    - 119.9K bytes
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  8. Control Structures | Scala 3 — Book | Scala Doc...

    This section demonstrates Scala 3 control structures.
    Registered: 2024-12-06 03:59
    - Last Modified: 2024-11-26 09:08
    - 119.7K bytes
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  9. Parsing arguments and building values — Python ...

    These functions are useful when creating your own extensions functions and methods. Additional information and examples are available in Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter. The first th...
    Registered: 2024-12-06 04:26
    - Last Modified: 2024-12-06 00:18
    - 106.4K bytes
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  10. 导言 | Scala 3 — Book | Scala Documentation

    This page begins the overview documentation of the Scala 3 language.
    Registered: 2024-12-06 04:05
    - Last Modified: 2024-11-26 09:08
    - 431.8K bytes
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