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Results 1 - 10 of 891 for content_length:[0 TO 9999] (0.03 sec)

  1. Test::Simple.txt

    package Test::Simple; use 5.006; use strict; our $VERSION = '1.302199'; use Test::Builder::Module; our @ISA = qw(Test::Builder::Module); our @EXPORT = qw(ok); my $CLASS = __PACKAGE__; =head1 NAME T...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 18:50
    - 6.3K bytes
    - Viewed (10)
  2. Test2::Tools::Tester.txt

    package Test2::Tools::Tester; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.000162'; use Carp qw/croak/; use Test2::Util::Ref qw/rtype/; BEGIN { if (eval { no warnings 'deprecated'; require Module::P...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 15:51
    - 7.5K bytes
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  3. Thread::Semaphore.txt

    package Thread::Semaphore; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '2.13'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; use threads::shared; use Scalar::Util 1.10 qw(looks_like_number); # Predeclarations for interna...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 21:00
    - 7.4K bytes
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  4. Tie::Handle.txt

    package Tie::Handle; use 5.006_001; our $VERSION = '4.3'; # Tie::StdHandle used to be inside Tie::Handle. For backwards compatibility # loading Tie::Handle has to make Tie::StdHandle available. use...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 19:08
    - 4.1K bytes
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  5. Test2::Workflow::Task.txt

    package Test2::Workflow::Task; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.000162'; use Test2::API(); use Test2::Event::Exception(); use List::Util qw/min max/; use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/; use Ca...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 20:28
    - 3.8K bytes
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  6. Text::Abbrev.txt

    package Text::Abbrev; require 5.005; # Probably works on earlier versions too. require Exporter; our $VERSION = '1.02'; =head1 NAME Text::Abbrev - abbrev - create an abbreviation table from a list ...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 18:25
    - 2K bytes
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  7. Tie::Hash::NamedCapture.txt

    use strict; package Tie::Hash::NamedCapture; our $VERSION = "0.13"; __END__ =head1 NAME Tie::Hash::NamedCapture - Named regexp capture buffers =head1 SYNOPSIS tie my %hash, "Tie::Hash::NamedCapture...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 20:23
    - 1.5K bytes
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  8. Test2::Compare::Number.txt

    package Test2::Compare::Number; use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw/confess/; use base 'Test2::Compare::Base'; our $VERSION = '0.000162'; use Test2::Util::HashBase qw/input mode/; # Overloads '!'...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 01:51
    - 3.1K bytes
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  9. Test2::EventFacet::Control.txt

    package Test2::EventFacet::Control; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.302199'; BEGIN { require Test2::EventFacet; our @ISA = qw(Test2::EventFacet) } use Test2::Util::HashBase qw{ -global ...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 01:20
    - 2K bytes
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  10. Test2::EventFacet::Assert.txt

    package Test2::EventFacet::Assert; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.302199'; BEGIN { require Test2::EventFacet; our @ISA = qw(Test2::EventFacet) } use Test2::Util::HashBase qw{ -pass -no...
    Registered: 2024-10-09 01:15
    - 1.7K bytes
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