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  1. Specifying a Disruption Budget for your Applica...

    FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.21 [stable] This page shows how to limit the number of concurrent disruptions that your application experiences, allowing for higher availability while permitting the cluster administrator to manage the clusters nodes. Before you begin Your Kubernetes server must be at or later than version v1.21. To check the version, enter kubectl version. You are the owner of an application running on a Kubernetes cluster that requires high availability.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:01:18 UTC 2024
    - 441.5K bytes
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  2. Update API Objects in Place Using kubectl patch...

    Use kubectl patch to update Kubernetes API objects in place. Do a strategic merge patch or a JSON merge patch.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:01:28 UTC 2024
    - 467.8K bytes
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  3. Deploy an App | Kubernetes

    Deploy an App Using kubectl to Create a Deployment Learn about application Deployments. Deploy your first app on Kube...
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:02:26 UTC 2024
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  4. Cloud Controller Manager Administration | Kuber...

    FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.11 [beta] Since cloud providers develop and release at a different pace compared to the Kubernetes project, abstracting the provider-specific code to the cloud-controller-manager binary allows cloud vendors to evolve independently from the core Kubernetes code. The cloud-controller-manager can be linked to any cloud provider that satisfies cloudprovider.Interface. For backwards compatibility, the cloud-controller-manager provided in the core Kubernetes project uses the same cloud libraries as kube-controller-manager. Cloud providers already supported in Kubernetes core are expected to use the in-tree cloud-controller-manager to transition out of Kubernetes core.
    Registered: Fri May 31 05:45:55 UTC 2024
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  5. Operator pattern | Kubernetes

    Operators are software extensions to Kubernetes that make use of custom resources to manage applications and their components. Operators follow Kubernetes principles, notably the control loop. Motivation The operator pattern aims to capture the key aim of a human operator who is managing a service or set of services. Human operators who look after specific applications and services have deep knowledge of how the system ought to behave, how to deploy it, and how to react if there are problems.
    Registered: Fri May 31 05:46:02 UTC 2024
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  6. Configure Minimum and Maximum CPU Constraints f...

    Define a range of valid CPU resource limits for a namespace, so that every new Pod in that namespace falls within the range you configure.
    Registered: Fri May 31 05:46:44 UTC 2024
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  7. Romana for NetworkPolicy | Kubernetes

    This page shows how to use Romana for NetworkPolicy. Before you begin Complete steps 1, 2, and 3 of the kubeadm getting started guide. Installing Romana with kubeadm Follow the containerized installation guide for kubeadm. Applying network policies To apply network policies use one of the following: Romana network policies. Example of Romana network policy. The NetworkPolicy API. What's next Once you have installed Romana, you can follow the Declare Network Policy to try out Kubernetes NetworkPolicy.
    Registered: Fri May 31 05:46:19 UTC 2024
    - 418.1K bytes
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  8. Cluster Networking | Kubernetes

    Networking is a central part of Kubernetes, but it can be challenging to understand exactly how it is expected to work. There are 4 distinct networking problems to address: Highly-coupled container-to-container communications: this is solved by Pods and localhost communications. Pod-to-Pod communications: this is the primary focus of this document. Pod-to-Service communications: this is covered by Services. External-to-Service communications: this is also covered by Services. Kubernetes is all about sharing machines among applications.
    Registered: Fri May 31 05:44:33 UTC 2024
    - 422.3K bytes
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  9. Install a Network Policy Provider | Kubernetes

    Install a Network Policy Provider Use Antrea for NetworkPolicy Use Calico for NetworkPolicy Use Cilium for NetworkPol...
    Registered: Fri May 31 05:45:14 UTC 2024
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  10. Using NodeLocal DNSCache in Kubernetes Clusters...

    FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.18 [stable] This page provides an overview of NodeLocal DNSCache feature in Kubernetes. Before you begin You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. It is recommended to run this tutorial on a cluster with at least two nodes that are not acting as control plane hosts. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using minikube or you can use one of these Kubernetes playgrounds:
    Registered: Fri May 31 05:55:46 UTC 2024
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