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  1. kubectl create poddisruptionbudget | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Create a pod disruption budget with the specified name, selector, and desired minimum available pods. kubectl create poddisruptionbudget NAME --selector=SELECTOR --min-available=N [--dry-run=server|client|none] Examples # Create a pod disruption budget named my-pdb that will select all pods with the app=rails label # and require at least one of them being available at any point in time kubectl create poddisruptionbudget my-pdb --selector=app=rails --min-available=1 # Create a pod disruption budget named my-pdb that will select all pods with the app=nginx label # and require at least half of the pods selected to be available at any point in time kubectl create pdb my-pdb --selector=app=nginx --min-available=50% Options --allow-missing-template-keys     Default: true If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:18:45 UTC 2024
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  2. kubectl config set | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Set an individual value in a kubeconfig file. PROPERTY_NAME is a dot delimited name where each token represents either an attribute name or a map key. Map keys may not contain dots. PROPERTY_VALUE is the new value you want to set. Binary fields such as 'certificate-authority-data' expect a base64 encoded string unless the --set-raw-bytes flag is used. Specifying an attribute name that already exists will merge new fields on top of existing values.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:18:25 UTC 2024
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  3. kubectl config delete-user | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Delete the specified user from the kubeconfig. kubectl config delete-user NAME Examples # Delete the minikube user kubectl config delete-user minikube Options -h, --help help for delete-user --as string Username to impersonate for the operation. User could be a regular user or a service account in a namespace. --as-group strings Group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups. --as-uid string UID to impersonate for the operation.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:20:29 UTC 2024
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  4. kubectl rollout restart | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Restart a resource. Resource rollout will be restarted. kubectl rollout restart RESOURCE Examples # Restart all deployments in test-namespace namespace kubectl rollout restart deployment -n test-namespace # Restart a deployment kubectl rollout restart deployment/nginx # Restart a daemon set kubectl rollout restart daemonset/abc # Restart deployments with the app=nginx label kubectl rollout restart deployment --selector=app=nginx Options --allow-missing-template-keys     Default: true If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:24:02 UTC 2024
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  5. kubectl kustomize | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Build a set of KRM resources using a 'kustomization.yaml' file. The DIR argument must be a path to a directory containing 'kustomization.yaml', or a git repository URL with a path suffix specifying same with respect to the repository root. If DIR is omitted, '.' is assumed. kubectl kustomize DIR [flags] Examples # Build the current working directory kubectl kustomize # Build some shared configuration directory kubectl kustomize /home/config/production # Build from github kubectl kustomize https://github.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:24:15 UTC 2024
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  6. kubectl create service | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Create a service using a specified subcommand. kubectl create service [flags] Options -h, --help help for service --as string Username to impersonate for the operation. User could be a regular user or a service account in a namespace. --as-group strings Group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups. --as-uid string UID to impersonate for the operation. --cache-dir string     Default: "$HOME/.kube/cache" Default cache directory
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:21:30 UTC 2024
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  7. Submitting blog posts and case studies | Kubern...

    Anyone can write a blog post and submit it for review. Case studies require extensive review before they're approved. The Kubernetes Blog The Kubernetes blog is used by the project to communicate new features, community reports, and any news that might be relevant to the Kubernetes community. This includes end users and developers. Most of the blog's content is about things happening in the core project, but we encourage you to submit about things happening elsewhere in the ecosystem too!
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:29:43 UTC 2024
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  8. kubectl rollout undo | Kubernetes

    Synopsis Roll back to a previous rollout. kubectl rollout undo (TYPE NAME | TYPE/NAME) [flags] Examples # Roll back to the previous deployment kubectl rollout undo deployment/abc # Roll back to daemonset revision 3 kubectl rollout undo daemonset/abc --to-revision=3 # Roll back to the previous deployment with dry-run kubectl rollout undo --dry-run=server deployment/abc Options --allow-missing-template-keys     Default: true If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:28:55 UTC 2024
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  9. Scheduling | Kubernetes

    Scheduling Scheduler Configuration Scheduling Policies Feedback Was this page helpful? Yes No Thanks for the feedback...
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:32:48 UTC 2024
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  10. Writing a new topic | Kubernetes

    This page shows how to create a new topic for the Kubernetes docs. Before you begin Create a fork of the Kubernetes documentation repository as described in Open a PR. Choosing a page type As you prepare to write a new topic, think about the page type that would fit your content the best: Guidelines for choosing a page type Type Description Concept A concept page explains some aspect of Kubernetes.
    Registered: Fri May 31 06:33:16 UTC 2024
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